Service Design for Government
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One woman mentors another in the workplace

Why. Operational contracting support (OCS) is a relatively new capability within the Department of Defense (DoD) and is a complex, inherently cross-functional series of activities requiring new kinds of coordination and planning among various staff sections. As the OCS capability is better defined in the department, the combatant commands, military branches, and other military components require training and capacity development to ensure that their execution is informed, efficient, and in-line with enterprise DoD requirements. 

What. Technical Assent deploys OCS, logistics, planning, and contingency contracting experts to help these organizations execute and build capacity. We conduct a needs assessment for each organization, develop plans to identify and prioritize capability gaps, and work shoulder-to-shoulder with client personnel to execute those plans. Our OCS tutors work with OCS leaders as well as key players across all staff sections to define and grow capability that is robust and well-integrated into the day-to-day work of a command or component.